Medicare Lagniappe: Insulin

Medicare Lagniappe: Insulin

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers insulin if you use an insulin pump that’s covered under Part B’s durable medical equipment benefit. Part B doesn’t cover insulin pens or insulin-related supplies like: Syringes Needles Alcohol swabs Gauze Part D...
Medicare Lagniappe: Help with drug costs

Medicare Lagniappe: Help with drug costs

What’s Extra Help? “Extra Help” is a Medicare program to help people with limited income and resources pay Medicare drug coverage (Part D) premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and other costs. What’s a premium, deductible, coinsurance, or...
Medicare Lagniappe: Medicaid Redetermination With Donna

Medicare Lagniappe: Medicaid Redetermination With Donna

Join us as we explore the challenges faced by individuals and families as they navigate the intricate system of reevaluating their Medicaid eligibility. From understanding the documentation requirements to coping with potential disruptions in coverage, we unravel the...
Medicare Lagniappe: Medicare Part A & Part B

Medicare Lagniappe: Medicare Part A & Part B

Discover comprehensive insights into the world of healthcare with our informative Medicare podcast. Join us as we delve deep into the intricacies of Medicare benefits, coverage options, and valuable tips for optimizing your healthcare journey. From demystifying...
What Makes The Fussell Group Insurance Advisors Different

What Makes The Fussell Group Insurance Advisors Different

Started in 2012 with just 5 agents, the Fussell Group has grown exponentially with nearly 200 core agents and 100+ contracted agents totaling over 300 advisors in just 9 years! FGIA has been coined a “boutique agency” because we do things differently. We have an...