Fraud, Waste & Abuse


Auditing and Monitoring of Systems and a Method of Anonymous Reporting

The Fussell Group Insurance Advisors maintains auditing and monitoring of its systems to detect violations of the law and to evaluate the effectiveness of the compliance program. These types of reviews permit the Compliance Department to evaluate compliance with regulations, policies, and procedures. Through these reviews, we are continuously assessing the effectiveness of the compliance program and finding ways to improve it. Employees are expected to assist in responding to routine internal and external audits as well as compliance office investigations.

Reporting Wrongdoing

The Fussell Group Insurance Advisors, LLC,  employees and agents are obligated to report any knowledge of suspected wrongdoing. All reports of wrongdoing are taken seriously. Suspected wrongdoing may be reported to:

The Fussell Group Insurance Advisors employees and agents may also report any knowledge of suspected wrongdoing to state or federal government with jurisdiction over the area of perceived wrongdoing. Reporting may be done in a manner consistent with The Fussell Group Insurance Advisors, LLC. policies and procedures addressing reporting options, as amended from time to time.

Protection of Employee and Agents

Employees and Agents reporting suspected wrongdoing to The Fussell Group Insurance Advisors, LLC,  or to a state or federal government agency, will receive protection from retaliatory workplace actions, consistent with protections more fully described in the The Fussell Group Insurance Advisors, LLC,  policies and procedures addressing reporting options, as amended from time to time.

All reports of suspected wrongdoing are investigated promptly and confidentially to the extent possible. Employees are expected to cooperate with investigation efforts.

Response and Prevention

If a reported allegation is substantiated, or if a violation is discovered as a result of auditing, monitoring or other source:

  • the appropriate governmental agency will be notified, if necessary;
  • disciplinary action will be implemented, if appropriate; and
  • changes will be implemented to prevent or minimize the likelihood of a recurrence.

To learn more, go to: Medicare Fraud & Abuse: Prevent, Detect, Report
Help fight Medicare fraud